Thursday, July 12, 2012


So the past week or so has been crazy...mostly great, but some parts a little tough.  One of the things that made it a little rough was that at my last weigh in, I gained 2 pounds.  Yes, you heard it... I am admitting that I gained.  At first I was a little bit upset at myself, discouraged, frustrated, and felt like giving up... I even caught myself thinking "why do I even try, I'm never going to lose this weight"?  I thought about leaving before the WW meeting because I was so discouraged....but I didn't, I stayed and I am so glad I did.  We had a great discussion about how everyone is going to have moments of discouragement during their weight loss journey, we are all going to "slip up", all of us will have moments when we gain, plateau,  or not follow our food plan perfectly or even make excuses to not go to the gym... and in those moments, along with "life moments" we have the opportunity to just give up... or to start again.. and with the support and love of my family & friends (all of you), I am choosing to be strong.. and start again! 

A couple of weeks ago at one of my WW meetings, this lady come into the classroom sobbing.. and I don't mean just crying, but literally sobbing.  Someone had asked her why she crying and she could barely get out the words.. but ended up saying "I did it, I finally did it.. I hit my 100 pound weight loss".  At that point the whole room burst out into cheers and clapping, it was really inspiring.. but what was more inspiring is listening to her talk about her "journey".  She said it had taken her 7 years to loose the weight.. 7 years!  That's a whole lot of perseverance, starting over and over again and picking herself up when knocked down... but she did it!  So, although I am hoping it doesn't take me 7 years to lose the weight I need... it was a great reminder to hang in there... good things come to those who put in the blood sweat and tears... to those who persist and continue to start over, even when it's tough.. which I think is good advice both in weight loss and life in general.  Be strong friends!

Thanks for letting me share the ramblings of my of the week with you!   Love you all! 


  1. 100 pounds in 7 years! I actually think that might be my story. I gained a lot of weight when I lived in New York in 2006 and I'm down 30 pounds from that weight. If I lose all of the weight I need to by next year, it will have taken me 7 years with a lot of stops and starts to get down to my goal. Hearing about this lady really inspired me to keep going! I am really glad you started this blog because I needed the boost. :-)
